
The 5 Husbands Of Joe Exotic

After Brian Rhyne's death, something supposedly changed in Joe Exotic and what he looked for in a man, per New York magazine. Joe began spending time at a gay bar called Copa, where he was rumored to have brought in a leashed tiger one Saturday night. It seemed like Joe's attitude towards relationships mirrored his interest in obtaining wild cats: The more unpredictable the relationship, the more worthy the pursuit. He reportedly gravitated toward "very young and very rough" men who claimed to be heterosexual. 

Joe married a man in his 20s from Oklahoma named Jeffrey Charles "J.C." Hartpence, although the ceremony wasn't legal. Joe's new paramour was allegedly addicted to drugs and alcohol, and he once held a gun to the zookeeper's head during a fight, according to Texas Monthly. Hartpence is now serving life in prison for murder, The Wichita Eagle reported.

After his relationship with Hartpence, Joe met a young man fresh out of high school named John Finlay who was "a cute little redneck boy who hid his teeth when he smiled," reported New York magazine. Joe allegedly asked Finlay to take steroids, and he also paid for him to get a tattoo on his pelvis which read: "PRIVATELY OWNED BY JOE EXOTIC." The relationship turned volatile, and during a fight, Finlay allegedly threw Joe into a wall with such force that he required hospitalization, the mag reported.

If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website.


Merlyn Hunt

Update: 2024-04-30